Beachcombing is for everyone! Unfortunately, there is still a lot of plastic to be found on our beach every day, partly as a result of the MSC Zoë disaster. On the beach and in the dunes you can clearly see what comes from the MSC Zoë and what kind of plastic washes up every day. The nurdles (small plastic balls) come from the MSC Zoë. Also called mermaid tears by the Jutfabriek, or granulate; raw material for new plastic products. In addition to the nurdles, we also find all kinds of other types of plastic, such as fish crates, jerry cans, fishing fluff, bottles, etc. Will you help us collect plastic and leave the Terschelling beach a little cleaner? We will go to the beach in a Landrover and let the wind and the weather conditions guide us, just like in the old days! Are you coming along? (We will bring coffee/tea and provide some snacks along the way.)
4 to 8 persons
Beach combing, Sustainable, and Beach
all ages, children, and adults
This activity can be done with a maximum of 8 people and is suitable for young and old!
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Together with the Milieujutter Terschelling, we ensure that beach waste is given a new lease of life. We receive the washed up plastic from the Milieujutter in our workshop. The beach waste is cleaned, sorted and melted. The waste is then ground into minute pieces with a special shredder. New products are made from this granulate. The products are then sold in various shops on Terschelling.
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